Although naturalist is one of the highest in percentage when you look at my Multiple Intelligence Test report, I still fell that the test is rather inaccurate so I decided to choose another task on my own. The question is: "Who would you want to be friends with in the novel? Explain." Let me start off in the next paragraph.
Well, in my opinion, I would most likely want to be friends with two characters in To Kill A Mockingbird. They are Boo Arthur Radley and Atticus Finch. I shall first explain why I picked Boo Arthur Radley, then I would continue with my reasons for picking Atticus Finch.
Basically, the reason I chose Boo Arthur Radley is because he is pure person or should I say a pure soul. Although many other characters think that Boo is a freak due to being kept in his house for fifteen years consecutively, I differ from their views. If you look at it in another way, since Boo was made to only stay in his house for fifteen years, during this period of time he would not be exposed to any of the evils in society and thus he would have a pure mind and soul. Not many people in society nowadays have such a quality. People in society often put on "masks" to hide their true feelings and identities from others. Because of this, it is rather difficult to determine whether a person is really truthful when they say something. And thus it is also difficult to make true friends. But for Boo, I'm sure that his truthful when he says something. Also, Boo's "pureness" can also be seen from his actions when he leaves chewing gum and other stuff for Jem, Scout and Dill. Although Dill often makes fun of Boo, Boo still tries his best to establish contact with the outside world through the knothole in the tree at the Radley Place. Another important point to note - Boo also saved the children from Bow Ewell when he tried to attack them. The last point that is evidence of Boo's kind soul is from Miss Maudie. In the novel, Miss Maudie's opinion of Boo was that he was a good boy and spoke politely to others. These are all the reasons why I decided to choose Boo Arthur Radley as one the characters whom I would like to make friends with.
Next, on the Atticus Finch. This paragraph would be shorter as I would just list some of the main reasons for my choice. Most importantly, Atticus possesses courage, in moral form. Atticus had the moral courage of standing up for Tom Robinson and being in the minority, despite the fact that he knew the court case would eventually still be lost. By doing this, he also educates his children as to the true meaning of heroism or courage. Atticus also displays determination. He did not give up defending Tom Robinson even though there were numerous obstacles and difficulties - his children were being made fun of at school, people insulted him, people talked bad about him behind his back. Graciousness was shown when Atticus forgave Mrs Dubose for insulting him. That's about it, all my pointers.
In conclusion, I would like to make friends with Boo Arthur Radley and Atticus Finch as they possess the true qualities of good people. What about you? Who would you like to make friends with in the novel. Share your interesting view in the comment box. Bye.
Posted on Term 1 Week 9
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