1. Post your learning profile on your blog and write in no less than 100 words the implications or what you feel about the Multiple Intelligence test.
So, what do I feel about the Multiple Intelligence Test? No, I should start off with something general about this test. This test comprises of forty questions in five sections. These forty questions are basically asked based on the eight intelligences, logical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, visual or spatial, naturalist, kinaesthetic, and linguistic. To me, they are just some random questions.
Now, the main part of how I feel about the test and my results. You can see from the test report above, or can't you. Nevermind, I should just type it out, instead of letting you strain your eyes at the image. My two best intelligences are the visual or spatial and naturalist. Just be looking at my results, I feel that the test is inaccurate. I am never a nature-type of person. I crush ants when I see them, and worse, when I was younger, I used to destroy plants by separating the stem from the roots. Basically, the main thing is that I dislike nature kind of stuff. I guess I got such a percentage for naturalist perhaps because of a question. It ask if I could remember names of plants well. And I put the fifth option, which meant that I could remember stuff about nature really well. You see, when you study something, you may need to memorise it well for a test or whatever. So, it does not mean that since I can remember facts about nature very well, I am a naturalist. I repeat, it is not true.
However, the test was right about one thing - I can remember stuff well when I write it out or draw. That's why I got the highest percentage for the visual or spatial section. That's about it. So overall I feel that the test is not really accurate as it is stereotyping the kind of person you are and some of the questions are asked and analysed in perhaps the wrong way?
Please comment on my blog posts. Bye.
Posted on Term 1 Week 9
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