Here are the changes I made to my blog and some updates. It should prove to be better than last year's blog, I guess.
Change 1: New blog address http://alex-is-blogging.blogspot.com/
Use: It is easier to remember. Just think about it, who is blogging? It is me, Alex, so the blog address says that I am blogging - completely logical.
Change 2: New blog slogan mySchool, myLife, myBlog
Use: I have elaborated on this in my second post, I think. But just a summary of it, this new blog is about school life and personal stuff, thus the blog slogan - completely logical too.
Change 3: Brightly coloured blog skin
Use: I see that many people use dark coloured blog skins with white fonts. To me, reading words in a dark coloured background makes my eyes get tired easily. Also, bright colours can help make a person happier, I guess, and more refreshed.
Change 4: Blog posts with more pictures
Use: A word is just a word. A picture paints a thousand words. See the difference when using pictures instead of words? This has already been practiced in my last two or three posts. The posts seem more interesting and catchy right?
Change 5: At least one post every week
Use: There is no point posting like ten posts in a go after seven weeks of nothing right. Consistency is as important as content when blogging. So I will try to blog one to two times every week, so people can also look forward to reading my posts every week.
Change 6: Visitor count and time
Use: Widgets, may be useful if you are keeping track of your time when doing something. Visitor count shows number of people who have visited my blog, in this way I can also keep track of my blog popularity level.
Change 7: Blogs that deserve to be read section
Use: Idea taken from Martin's blog. This also help boosts the popularity of the blogs which I think are well written (content and opinions).
Here are some updates of my blog. Visitor count almost hitting eight hundred - a good sign of my popularity level (also thanks to Martin for recommending my blog).
Yes, that is about it. Bye.
Posted on Term 1 Week 8
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