Hello, my name is Alex. Basically, this is my new blog for this year. So I hope you like it. First things first, I really hope that you will follow my blog and comment on my posts. But, please do not post any useless comments as it will not do you any good either.
One more thing, this is officially my second year blogging.
If you blog, you certainly must have reasons why you blog. So do I. Here are my reasons...
1. I guess I blog during my free time, especially when I am extremely bored and have absolutely nothing do to. Although I said that I only blog during my free time, I will still post some blog posts consistently. My next reason for blogging will explain why.
2. Blogging has become part of the school curriculum for my Language Arts subject since last year. This is quite important as it is counted in my school grades. Therefore, you will also notice that my blog posts are in Standard English because eventually these posts will be "graded".
Yes, so these are the reasons why I blog. And, to the other 33 wonderful classmates of mine in the GLAMOROUS 2O1, please follow this blog of mine and I will do the same to yours too. Bye!
Posted on Term 1 Week 2
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