Saturday, May 1, 2010

Clay Madness

Talking about clay, it is somewhat like shit, dried up ones with a little moisture. So, have you ever made anything out of clay. I made several different objects for the past two Fridays ... at Art Club. Some people think of Art Club as very slack, but actually we do many varieties of artwork with different media.

Back to clay, we were supposedly required to make either a cup or building out of clay. Then the long-winded introduction to what clay was started. (We shall skip that part.) First thing I made was a cup, out of the "pinching" method. It looks kind of like the cups used by cavemen, totally unlike the seemingly perfect ones we have at home. Since my task was already accomplished, Martin and I started to shape out random things. Initially I had no ideas, so it was like I shaped out something, then destroyed it, shaped out something, then destroyed it. This went on until I realized there was a tool, which I do not remember what it is called, that could make noodles out of the clay. It was like a thing which you force the clay through the small little holes. Then the noodle ball mission started. Martin and I took turns to make the noodles, then compress them into a ball. Subsequently Dylan also joined in the fun.

My hands really hurt, but they were not injured. This was all thanks to Martin. Do you know what he did? Go ask him yourself. Reply on his blog or something. Find out how he actually "injured" my hand. Making the noodle ball soon became boring, since the procedure was repeated on and on. We finally stopped at the size of a mini soccer ball. The ball may seem normal, but it can be made a "bomb". You center of the noodle ball just had to be sealed up and made hollow and it will be a "bomb". Why so? I shall not really elaborate, it's got to do with air. Find out on your own.

We ended our two hours at Art Club with sports. Let me think. We have not been having our sports as it should have been since Secondary One. Our Art Club teacher-in-charge Mr Quek always can help us and himself come up with excuses to skip sports, like "The skies are so dark today" or maybe "The sports secretary is not here". In the end, we had sports, in fact for the second time. We played soccer for fifteen minutes. Not really actually. I should say we watch other people play soccer for fifteen minutes before we went home.

So how is your day at CCA? Other comments are also appreciated. Bye.

Posted on Term 2 Week 6


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